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Architecture Decision Records (ADR) Notion Template

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Architecture Decision Records (ADR) Notion Template


To document the architectural decisions made during software development, ensuring a clear, organized record of the rationale behind each decision.

Template Sections:

  1. Overview:
    • 🏷️ Title: A short, descriptive title for the architectural decision.
    • 🔴 Status: Current status (Proposed, Accepted, Rejected, Deprecated, Superseded).
    • 📅 Date: The date when the decision was made.
  2. Context:
    • 🌐 A detailed description of the issue that the decision is addressing.
    • Include any relevant background information and the specifics of the problem.
  3. Decision Drivers:
    • 🎯 Key factors influencing the decision, including technical, business, and project constraints.
    • Priorities, such as performance, scalability, maintainability, and cost.
  4. Considered Options:
    • ✅ List of options considered, including a brief description of each.
    • ➕ Pros and cons for each option.
  5. Decision Outcome:
    • 🔍 The chosen option and rationale for its selection.
    • Include how the decision aligns with the project goals and decision drivers.
  6. Consequences:
    • ⚖️ The impact of the decision, including potential challenges and how they will be addressed.
    • Short-term and long-term effects on the project, team, and stakeholders.
  7. References:
    • 📎 Links to any documents, diagrams, or discussions that informed the decision.
    • External references that provide additional context or justification.

Usage Guide:

  • 🆕 Creating a New Record: To document a new decision, duplicate this template and fill out each section with the relevant information.
  • 🔄 Updating Records: Keep the status updated to reflect any changes or evolution in the architectural approach.
  • 👀 Reviewing Decisions: Regularly review ADRs to ensure they remain relevant and adjust as necessary based on project progression and emerging technologies.


  • 📖 Provides a historical record of decisions, facilitating understanding and alignment among team members.
  • 💡 Enhances decision-making quality by requiring a structured evaluation of options and their impacts.
  • 🚀 Simplifies onboarding for new team members by offering insight into the project's architectural evolution.

What You'll Receive:

Upon purchase, you'll get an exclusive link to a Notion template designed as a comprehensive Git Cheat Sheet. Please note: This is a digital product that requires you to clone the template into your own Notion account for personal use and customization.

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